01606 350-700
Mrs Nursery
Our Philosophy
'Committed to being the very best'
The importance of play for a child is crucial and here at Mrs Nursery Childcare, the emphasis is on 'learning through play.' A rich, stimulating and inviting environment awaits all children that attend, whether its for one day or a full week, each day will be full of exciting, new and engaging experiences.
For us, strong partnership with parents is vital and we pride ourselves on communication.
Each family will be able to be an active part of their childs journey here and have a learning memory book, that is filled with photographs, art work and observations of your childs development. Regular photos, newsletters and weekly emails will tell you all about the fun things we have been getting up to. Most importantly is the verbal feedback you will receive each day and the knowledge that there is always an open door or manager to chat, call or email, whenever it is needed.
Food is an important part of each day, healthy meals and snacks help the children feel energised and motivated to access all of the exciting play opportunities available. We eat meals together and use it as a social occasion, where we chat and encourage children to be independant and try new food. I will support parents with any weaning and respect all cultural preferences and dietary requirements.
By becoming part of Mrs Nursery Childcare, you are becoming part of a setting that really aspires to be a great, cosey, caring and welcoming environment, where every family is made to feel special. Each day brings new opprtunities to explore and develop in a place that is wholeheartedly commited to being the very best.